Roy Sander

Roy Sander has been covering cabaret and theatre for over thirty years. He’s written cabaret and theatre reviews, features, and commentary for seven print publications, most notably Back Stage, and for CitySearch on the Internet. He covered cabaret monthly on “New York Theatre Review” on PBS TV, and cabaret and theatre weekly on WLIM-FM radio. He was twice a guest instructor at the London School of Musical Theatre. A critic for, he is also the site’s Reviews Editor; in addition, he is Chairman of the Advisory Board of MAC.

Articles by this Author:

Marcus Simeone

Everything Must Change ~ Metropolitan Room appearing monthly When Marcus Simeone first came on the scene some years ago, a lot of people were taken with his voice—as was I....

Perry Payne

Getting Away From It All ~ Metropolitan Room July 1, 2, 10, 11 Just a few bars into Perry Payne's chipper opening number, Tom Adair and Matt Dennis's "Let's Get...

Mark Nadler

...His Lovely Wife Ira – Ira Gershwin with and without George ~ Metropolitan Room June 4, 11, 18, 25, 27, July 1, 8 Writing about Mark Nadler over a decade...

Anna Bergman

"You and the Night and the Music" Feinstein's at Loews Regency  –  January 13, 14 Anna Bergman is a gorgeous singer—gorgeous in every way: lovely of face and form, elegant...