Gretchen Reinhagen

Roy Sander
"Special Kaye: A Tribute to the Incomparable Kaye Ballard" Metropolitan Room  -  December 3, 6, 10, 19, January 17, 24, February 4 Some ideas seem so obvious and so right, that one is astonished to discover that no one had previously thought of them. A cabaret homage to Kaye Ballard is a perfect example. Considering...

Michael Feinstein and David Hyde Pierce

Elizabeth Ahlfors
Feinstein's at Loews Regency  -  December 1 - 30 Michael Feinstein knows how to pick his singing partners. Last June, he illustrated "The Power of Two" with Cheyenne Jackson, that theater hunk with polished vocals. In September, he joined with the ever-delightful Christine Ebersole. For the month of December, Feinstein has invited pal David Hyde...

Baby Jane Dexter

"All About Love" Metropolitan Room  -  November 20-21, 27-28, December 4-5, 11-12, 18-19 For some time now, Baby Jane Dexter has made the Michael Stipe-Peter Buck-Bill Berry-Mike Mills anthem "Everybody Hurts" her signature song. Not only did she include it as the beg-off number when I saw her in the second week of a five-week...

Carole J. Bufford

Roy Sander
"intro" Metropolitan Room  -  November 19, 21 The small "i" in the title of her show, "intro," is the only thing lower-case about Carole J. Bufford. When she is on stage, SHE IS ON STAGE! She can deliver a song with more force and drive than a speeding locomotive, and she enlists the aid of...

Andrea Marcovicci

"Skylark: Marcovicci Sings Mercer" Oak Room at the Algonquin  -  November 17 - December 26 As we go into the last weeks of Johnny Mercer's centennial year, here comes The Oak Room at the Algonquin's own Andrea Marcovicci with "Skylark: Marcovicci Sings Mercer" to toast the songwriting-and-several-other-things icon. For anyone drawing a deep breath and...

Joshua Warr

Roy Sander
"Sing No Evil" Laurie Beechman Theatre  -  November 12, 14, December 4, 12 In his debut cabaret show, "Sing No Evil," which was directed by Miles Phillips, Joshua Warr has sin on his mind—sin in general and the seven deadly ones in particular. Evidently Warr takes this as a very serious, somber subject—or at least...

Karen Oberlin

Elizabeth Ahlfors
"Birds Do It: Songs of the Natural World" The Metropolitan Room  -  October 28, 29, November 5, 12 There is usually one standout moment in every well-crafted cabaret show. Sometimes it defines the purpose of the show. Other times it is just a personal favorite. However you decide on the standout moment in Karen Oberlin's...

Steve Tyrell

Steve Tyrell Café Carlyle  -  November 10 – December 30 Although he says he takes no requests, Steve Tyrell gives the audience what it wants. And sometimes he even takes requests—or makes it look as if he does. At the Saturday night late set I attended at the Café Carlyle, he obliged a vocal ringsider...

Maureen Taylor

Roy Sander
"Taylor Made: Bob Merrill" Metropolitan Room  -  October 25, 26, November 2, 9, December 5 If I had been asked a few weeks ago whether a good show could be created from a mix of songs of highly varying quality—some of them mediocre at best—I'm not sure what I would have answered. Having seen Maureen Taylor's program of...

Maude Maggart

Elizabeth Ahlfors
"Parents and Children" Feinstein's at Loews Regency  -  November 10-14 She was born Amber McAfee Maggart, but she changed her first name to Maude. Maude Maggart, so evocative of the past, is a better fit for this singer who continues to draw from timeless, artfully crafted songs that define life and humanity. When she started...