Roy Sander

Roy Sander has been covering cabaret and theatre for over thirty years. He’s written cabaret and theatre reviews, features, and commentary for seven print publications, most notably Back Stage, and for CitySearch on the Internet. He covered cabaret monthly on “New York Theatre Review” on PBS TV, and cabaret and theatre weekly on WLIM-FM radio. He was twice a guest instructor at the London School of Musical Theatre. A critic for, he is also the site’s Reviews Editor; in addition, he is Chairman of the Advisory Board of MAC.

Articles by this Author:

Eric Michael Gillett

"Widescreen – Songs From and About the Movies" Feinstein's at Loews Regency  -  September 1, 2 Film is one of the dominant forces in popular culture. Is there a soul...

Tish Oney and Eddie Bruce

The Metropolitan Room Tish Oney: August 14       Eddie Bruce: August 15, 16                      No, there isn't a new duo in town....

Jason Danieley and The Frontier Heroes

The Metropolitan Room - August 17, 21, 22, 23 While Jason Danieley is the name you're likely to be familiar with, The Frontier Heroes deserve fully half the credit for...

Joyce Lyons

Metropolitan Room - August 5, 12, 19 Joyce Lyons informs us that when she puts a show together, "It's about the words. My voice teacher told me, 'Your job is...

Stearns Matthews & Megan Candio

"50 Years Experience...25 Years in the Making" Don't Tell Mama July 31, Aug. 2 & 5 Stearns Matthews and Megan Candio have been friends since childhood—which isn't all that long...

Nicholas Wuehrmann

"What Can You Lose?"  The Duplex -  August 7, 9, December 20 With hundreds of performances in musical theatre, opera, operetta, drama, and comedy to his credit—in addition to considerable...

Barbara Porteus

Don't Tell Mama July 24 & 27 With an extensive background in theatre and cabaret, Barbara Porteus commands the stage like a pro. Backed by musical director Barry Levitt on...

Jonathan Long

"Cherish the Tenor Moments" The Metropolitan Room July 19 & 28 You know how cabaret shows sometimes begin with an offstage voice exhorting us to "sit back, relax, and enjoy...

Julie Reyburn

"Sing Happy" ~ Feinstein's at the Regency July 21 With her new show, "Sing Happy," Julie Reyburn persuasively establishes herself as one of the finest artists on the current cabaret...

Lee Summers

Winds of Change ~ The Triad monthly; next show August 3, 9:30 You may be familiar with Lee Summers in his capacity as General Manager of The Triad. If that...